Let me introduce myself. I am a world traveller in all its glory!! I was born to parents of which my father was a British Army Officer. I am the eldest of four kids and unlike my three younger siblings, I never went to boarding school. Phew - thank goodness for this parental decision. Very rarely did I live in one home or one country, for more than nine months at a time. As a result my "education" was a world of fascination for me. I have lived in England (several occasions), Germany (several occasions), Egypt, Jamaica, USA and now I live permanently in Australia and have done so for many years. And I am currently living in my 46th home!!!
I have been truly blessed with my life. It hasn't always easy and has had its up and downs. But I always see a glass half full. Nope - that's not actually true. I like to see a glass flowing over with absolute goodness.
As my life has gone by, I have more often than not, sought answers to my questions about about the why's, the what's the where's of life. And I continue to question. And I continue to learn.
The poor Universe must be fed up with my questions - but no - She keeps on helping me.
Due to my continuing questioning I have learned so much and have taken more courses and trainings than anyone could possibly imagine.
I am qualified in:
- B.A Native American History
- Post Grad. Dip. Management
- PhD. in Metaphysics (not fully completed)
- Soul Realignment (R)
- Timeline Therapy (TM)
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Project Management
- Organisational Change
- Facilitator in EQ (Emotional and Energetic Intelligence)
- Meditation
I spent 25 years or more working in the corporate world in various Australian Federal Government Departments as a Senior Project Manager, Organisational Change Manager and Business Manager.
After having a change in direction I established my own business which I have grown over the past 6+ years and it is continuing to grow.
I have learned so so much over the years and I don't see any point in keeping all this information, studying and insights to myself. My Purpose in this lifetime is to help people to learn about themselves by Coaching my gorgeous clients.
And I am currently upping the anti - and I am currently connecting with Corporations assisting CEOs and their staff to be in full alignment. The outcome of which will provide the CEOs with the very best staff they can have for a continued success in their business.
I work across the world and have, or have had, clients in Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Southern Ireland, Scotland, England, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.
I work with both women and men but my focus is becoming more corporate focused as I have mentioned above.
I would also love to work with you. So if you are interested in knowing more about my offerings, have a look round my website for the Services I offer and get in Contact with me for further information.
As I always sign off - Big Hugs and Love to you All.